Sessions at Pease Park, Shield Ranch, and James Turrell’s The Color Inside.
The first LP-length studio album by Density512, Akousmatika an immersive listening experience that blends music, storytelling, and surround-sound recording technology. This is a 3D sonic adventure that connects you with the ancient mysteries of sound and wonder.
The album features Density512-commissioned works by Zachary James Watkins, Kevin Michael Kay, a collaboration with Chiyoko Slzavnics; revivals of experimental classics by influential voices from the 16th Century to today (Nicola Vicentino, Pauline Oliveros, and Jacob Schnitzer); along with ancient and modern texts by Iamblichus, Lao Tzu, and Jacob Schnitzer.
Akousmatika was recorded in part with a live audience using a special microphone (shaped like a human head!) so that listeners with headphones will be able to hear the music in 360-degrees surround... much different than the standard stereo. In October 2022, Density512 hosts live Deep Listening sessions in locations throughout the natural landscape in Central Texas.
Track Listing
Pythagorean Prelude – Text by Iamblichus, 4th century C.E., music by Jacob Schnitzer
Nicola Vicentino/Nicholas Perry Clark: Musica Prisca Caput “Archaic Head Music” (1555/2021)
Cosmic Interlude – text and music by Jacob Schnitzer
Kevin Michael Kay: worldlines (2020)
Interlude #3 - text and music by Jacob Schnitzer
Zachary James Watkins: Night Train (2021)
Interlude on Sound and Space - text by Jacob Schnitzer, music improvised by Matthew Lyons
Chiyoko Szlavnics: Eva H (2007) (feat. François Minaux)
excerpt from Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching, 4th century, B.C.E., adapted by Jacob Schnitzer
Pauline Oliveros: Tuning Meditation (1971) (feat. Density512 community members)